
2020-02-07   来源:英语学习法



每逢学期末,学生们凌晨就在图书馆排起了长队。他们早将书本放在教室课桌上占座,寝室的灯也开始彻夜亮着。 WHEN finals week rolls around every semester, students line up in the wee hours of the morning to get a seat in the library. They leave books to occupy desks in classrooms. They keep their dorm room lamps burning all night long.
如今,你大可以在这个目录上添加另一个习惯--心理咨询。一直以来,学生们都饱受期末考试所带来的焦虑、疲劳、恐惧、惊慌和压力的折磨。但是,他们却不敢向心理咨询师寻求帮助。现在,校园专业人士们表示,他们的预约人数开始出现爆满的趋势。 Now you can add another habit to this list - seeing the psychiatrist. Students have always suffered from anxiety, fatigue, fear, panic and stress brought on by end-of-semester exams. But they"ve been afraid to seek help from psychologists. Now campus professionals say they"re starting to see their appointment books fill up.

据新华社报道,山西财经大学心理咨询中心今冬的咨询学生数量翻了一番。而且,全中国的大学都有这个增长趋势。 According to a Xinhua report, the consultation center at Shanxi University of Finance and Economics has seen the number of students seeking help double this winter. That appears to be a growing trend on campuses all over China.更多信息请访问:http://www.05w.cc/

不久前,19岁的华中科技大学生物系新生邱莉莉决定向心理咨询师寻求帮助。因为担心考试,她开始失眠,进而导致身体虚弱、易感到惊恐。她甚至连好朋友的活动都不太积极参与。“无论什么事,我都不能集中注意力,”邱莉莉说。 Qiu Lili, a 19-year-old freshman biology major at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, recently decided to seek help from a consultant. Worry over her exams had given her insomnia. This, in turn, left her feeling weak and open to panic attacks. She"d even become less sociable around friends. "I just couldn"t concentrate on anything," recalled Qiu.

能否拿到奖学金至今还是个谜,为避免影响成绩,她决定找时间做个心理咨询。起初,她担心医生会给她开药甚至为她催眠。但当得知心理咨询过程并非她所想的那样,而是很舒适而且疗效显著后,她才松了一口气。 Since a scholarship decision hung in the balance, she decided to schedule a consultation visit to save her grade. She worried she"d be prescribed medicine, or be put under hypnosis. So she was relieved to find the experience far more pleasant - and helpful - than she"d imagined.

常见问题 Common problems

邱莉莉说:“咨询师让我明白,是我太过看重考试,而且作为一名新生,我显然对考试缺乏经验。现在我相信,只要我能拿到一个平均分,通过这门课就没什么问题。” "The consultant helped me to see that I just care too much about the exams, and that, as a rookie, I"m just not experienced enough with them," Qiu said. "Now I believe that if I get an average score I"ll have no problem passing all my [subjects]."

邱莉莉学校的咨询师林彬表示,如今来咨询的学生数量超过以往任何时候。像邱莉莉这样的新生的恐惧主要是因为他们对大学考试流程还尚不熟悉。而老生们则面临不同的问题。 Lin Bin, Qiu"s consultant at the university, says he is seeing more students than ever before. Freshman fears, like Qiu"s, grow out of their unfamiliarity with the exam process. Veterans, Lin adds, often face different problems.

21岁的丁勇是中国政法大学法律系大三学生。每逢考试周,他总是尽多地死记硬背。他通宵熬夜甚至连饭都顾不上吃。 Ding Yong, a 21-year-old junior in law at China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL). He always tries to cram as much information into his brain as possible during exam week. He pulls all-nighters and skips meals.

今年,丁勇发现了一件奇怪的事情:他开始因琐碎小事而发怒。因此,他决定像心理咨询师寻求帮助。 Ding found that this year, something strange happened: He began getting irritated at the littlest things. So he decided to seek help from a psychologist.

政法大学心理咨询办公室的咨询师陈静警告大家,短时期的高强度学习可能导致免疫系统故障或者心理混乱。 Chen Jing, a consultant at the CUPL psychological consultation office, warns that intense study over short periods of time can lead to an immune system malfunction, or to a psychological disorder.

陈静还说:“学生们应该知道,身体状况的不良会让人的心理更加脆弱。因此,在学习上应保持合理节奏。” "Students need to know that poor physical fitness makes one more vulnerable psychologically," Chen said. "So they should keep a reasonable tempo in study."

丁勇觉得今年已经来不及采纳陈静的意见了,但他打算从今年春天起遵循这一建议。 Ding says it may be too late for him to take Chen"s advice this semester, but he plans on following it in the spring.

心理咨询开始普及 Growing familiarity

校园心理咨询师们很高兴看到学生们愿意向他们敞开心扉,诉说他们的心理症结。他们认为这是一种进步。 Campus consultants are pleased with students" increasing desire to address their psychological struggles. They see it as a sign of progress.

林彬说:“年轻人认为这只是保持健康的一个途径。”例如,邱莉莉还介绍两个朋友来咨询,鼓励他们“用科学的方法”解决问题。 "The younger generation sees this as only one means to keep themselves healthy," says Lin. Qiu, for instance, introduced two friends to Lin, encouraging them to deal with their problems in a "scientific way".更多信息请访问:http://www.05w.cc/

但是,也有人担心人们将他们看心理咨询师一事传出去后会被贴上莫名的标签。丁勇每次来心理咨询都是偷偷摸摸地来,偷偷摸摸地走。他很害怕别人被认识的人看到。“我可不想被其他人当成疯子,”他解释道。 Others, of course, are still wary of the way people could label them if word gets out that they"re seeing a psychiatrist. Ding still tiptoes in and out of the consultant"s office, for fear someone he knows will see him. "I don"t want others to think that I"m a freak," he explains.





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